Sprouted Vegan

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effects of a vegan plant-based diet on complex regional pain syndrome or RSD

In March of 2016, my daughter fell, twisted her ankle, and injured both knees. The fall and injuries were nothing new. She was clumsy, walked duck-footed, and constantly sprained toes, tripped in holes and over objects, and spent a lot of time on crutches.

What was new about the injury was the following day she asked to go to the doctor. She avoided doctors as much as possible and would have to be forced to go. But she knew something else was happening and the pain was excruciating and like nothing she’d felt in the past. Even touching her skin sent the sensation of stabbing knives and fire throughout her feet and legs.

Off to the doctor we went, and, on that day, we entered into an almost six-year long journey through bad doctors, misdiagnoses, harmful treatments, bad drugs, incompetent organizations, and sleepless nights filled with severe pain.

Within days of her fall, she developed a rash and swelling on her twisted knee and it quickly spread down one leg and to her foot and then it started on the other foot and worked its way up her other leg.

For more of Chelsi’s story, order my book, “Sprouted Vegan: Your Guide to Plant-Based Health” on this site on the product’s page, on Amazon, or on BarnesandNoble.com.